Want financial freedom with sustainable, generational wealth?

Picture it! A year from now you're a small business owner and real estate investor with an optimized retirement plan growing your net worth to $1,000,000+ and covering all your living expenses - the definition of true wealth.


Want financial freedom with sustainable, generational wealth?

Picture it! A year from now you're a small business owner and real estate investor with an optimized retirement plan growing your net worth to $1,000,000+ and covering all your living expenses - the definition of true wealth.

You want financial security, but it feels like it would take a miracle.

(Psst! It doesn't.)

Right now, you:

  • aren't investing because it's too stale, male and pale, and the words are stupid
  • have a 401(k), but whether it's invested correctly is anyone's guess
  • would love to be a real estate investor, but now seems like the worst time EVER to join that club
  • have questions about real estate investing, but everything about it drips in "bro"
  • want additional income streams, but "entrepreneur" is an adjective to describe others
  • want to be your own boss but don't know how to start and don't trust those pimping their Lambos on Insta

You can:

  • in 90 days have an optimized, automated stock portfolio building toward your ideal retirement
  • in 3 months have your retirement account on track to cross the millionaire milestone
  • buy your first investment property within 6 months (even if you're reading this in bed with a glass of wine)
  • be a real estate investor without having a ton of cash
  • build multiple streams of income and 86 your job (not your boss - that's another group 😳)
  • have a revenue-generating business 1 year from today

Let's get real...

Reaching financial freedom, even security, in this new economy with stagnant wages and sky-high inflation isn't as easy as just having a high-paying job and hoping for the best.

Even if you're "rich" there's a good chance that you don't feel rich these days.

A recent poll surveyed 1,000 people who earn $175,000+ a year - the top 10% of tax filers - and the results are surprising.
A quarter of doctors, lawyers and other highly paid professionals feel “very poor,” “poor” or were just “getting by.”

In fact, only 44% of all millionaires feel “very comfortable” about their financial condition. What's more only 12% of Americans and just 29% of millionaires consider themselves "wealthy."


Inflation's a leading reason, but others include:

  • Slicker advertising
  • Social media
  • Historically stagnant wages (even with recent increases)
  • Lifestyle creep
  • Post-pandemic PTSD

How do we know?

The New York Fed recently reported that credit card debt in the US crossed $1 trillion for the first time with total household debt increasing by $16 billion in one quarter. This shows how simply being a millionaire or earning 6-figures a year doesn't make one wealthy.

Not anymore.

But what's true wealth?

True wealth is when your investment income covers your living expenses and lets you design your ideal life.

Hi, we're David & John

One-time financial messes to financial guides and millionaires.

Since publishing our book in 2015 about paying off $51K in debt, we’ve helped thousands of people pay off millions of dollars in debt, launched 2 successful businesses, including an award-winning podcast, shared our message on Oprah, Rachael Ray and Good Morning America and more, funded a real estate portfolio and grown a net worth of $1,000,000+.


But this wasn't always us!


We were once two 30-year-old men renting a basement apartment and wondering how our friends could afford marriages, new homes and kids while we had a mountain of financial anxiety (and a closet full of designer clothes). The strategies that we used to pay off our debt helped us amass $1MM+, grow 2 revenue-generating businesses, invest in real estate and make us work- and location-independent.


That’s what the Wealth Builder’s Pyramid™ is all about.


It’s not a miracle, but it’s the next best thing: a clear, step-by-step system to get YOU where YOU want with your financial life.

You deserve financial freedom.

For a limited time, join us as we kick off the inaugural launch of a community of current and future millionaires all working on their Wealth Builder's Pyramid™.

  • Join a community of like-minded folks seeking true wealth
  • Surround yourself with the brain trust of current and future millionaires
  • Get access to us for direction and support to build multiple predictable and profitable income streams
  • Access a multi-media library with proven systems to create financial security
  • Get the accountability

What's in the Wealth Builder's Pyramid?

The triangle is the strongest shape there is – look how old the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids are.


The Wealth Builder’s Pyramid™ is a system for building your wealth to $1,000,000+ and creating cash flow that covers your annual living expenses by 150%. This multi-pronged approach reduces your income risk because, as markets don’t move in tandem, you’re no longer reliant on a single source of income to meet your needs. In fact, you’ll often have more than enough cash flow to meet your needs.


This is a big deal because you'll reduce your reliance on an employer or a particular boss, you’ll also bypass low wage growth and mitigate the consequences of inflation. With the right system and focus, 1 – 3 sides of your own Wealth Pyramid can be up in as little as 1 year.

Join a community of current and future millionaires building true wealth!

Sign up before midnight, Thursday, September 28 and get 2 exclusive bonus modules: Manifest & Legacy complete with live webinars, Q&As and guides.

Our easy-to-follow strategy, step-by-step guides, practical worksheets, custom calculators and 1:1 coaching will help you create a clear, time and money-saving plan to becoming financially free and amass $1,000,000+.

Best of all, you pick your level of support with the 3 memberships below based on where you are in your financial journey and what you need today.


Wealth Pyramid - DIY

$499 (one time)

Join Self-Paced

What do you get?

  • Calculators
  • Guides
  • Planners
  • Video tutorials
  • Live webinars with John & David
  • Private Foundation LinkedIn group access
  • Private Wealth Builder's LinkedIn group access
  • Weekly Wins call with John & David
  • Unlimited membership space


Wealth Pyramid - Masterclass

$499 (monthly membership)

What do you get?

  • Calculators
  • Guides
  • Planners
  • Video tutorials
  • Live webinars with John & David
  • Private Foundation LinkedIn group access
  • Private Wealth Builder's LinkedIn group access
  • Weekly Wins call with John & David
  • Weekly group coaching with John & David
  • Monthly intensives with thought leaders in the investing, real estate and small business spaces
  • Accountability partner matching
  • Only 15 memberships available
  • 1 month free with a 6-month commitment
  • 2 months free with a 12-month commitment


Wealth Pyramid - Private Mentoring

$749 (monthly membership)

What do you get?

  • Calculators
  • Guides
  • Planners
  • Video tutorials
  • Live webinars with John & David
  • Private Foundation LinkedIn group access
  • Private Wealth Builder's LinkedIn group access
  • Weekly Wins call with John & David
  • Weekly group coaching with John & David
  • Monthly intensives with thought leaders in the investing, real estate and small business spaces
  • Accountability partner matching
  • Monthly mastermind with other Private Mentoring members
  • One monthly 55-minute one-on-one coaching session with John & David
  • Only 5 memberships available
  • 1 month free with a 6-month commitment
  • 2 months free with a 12-month commitment

Sign up before midnight, Thursday, September 28 and get 2 exclusive bonus modules: Manifest & Legacy complete with live webinars, Q&As and guides.

Our easy-to-follow strategy, step-by-step guides, practical worksheets, custom calculators and 1:1 coaching will help you create a clear, time and money-saving plan to becoming financially free and amass $1,000,000+.

Best of all, you pick your level of support with the 3 memberships below based on where you are in your financial journey and what you need today.


Wealth Builder's Pyramid - Self-Paced

$499 (one time)

What do you get?

  • Calculators
  • Guides
  • Planners
  • Video tutorials
  • Live webinars with John & David
  • Private Foundation LinkedIn group access
  • Private Wealth Builder's LinkedIn group access
  • Weekly Wins call with John & David
  • Unlimited memberships available


Wealth Builder's Pyramid - Masterclass

$499 (monthly membership)

What do you get?

  • Calculators
  • Guides
  • Planners
  • Video tutorials
  • Live webinars with John & David
  • Private Foundation LinkedIn group access
  • Private Wealth Builder's LinkedIn group access
  • Weekly Wins call with John & David
  • Weekly group coaching with John & David
  • Monthly intensives with thought leaders in the investing, real estate and small business spaces
  • Accountability partner matching
  • Only 15 memberships available
  • 1 month free with a 6-month commitment
  • 2 months free with a 12-month commitment


Wealth Builder's Pyramid - Private Mentoring

$749 (monthly membership)

What do you get?

  • Calculators
  • Guides
  • Planners
  • Video tutorials
  • Live webinars with John & David
  • Private Foundation LinkedIn group access
  • Private Wealth Builder's LinkedIn group access
  • Weekly Wins call with John & David
  • Weekly group coaching with John & David
  • Monthly intensives with thought leaders in the investing, real estate and small business spaces
  • Accountability partner matching
  • Monthly mastermind with other Private Mentoring members
  • One monthly 55-minute one-on-one coaching session with John & David
  • Only 5 memberships available
  • 1 month free with a 6-month commitment
  • 2 months free with a 12-month commitment


We give you a proven path to follow and the tools, education and support to guide you on your journey.

THE WEALTH BUILDER'S PYRAMID™ is a one-stop-shop for successfully optimizing stock investing, starting, growing and scaling a virtual business and building a real estate portfolio regardless of where your finances are today.

So, what exactly makes this group so amazing?



There's simply no other program like this to help you create a 360-approach to true wealth.

Your Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ membership is and all-access to our unique system and custom curriculum, calculators and spreadsheets, guides and webinars to lay a solid foundation and build each side of your Wealthy Pyramid™. It's designed to be completely hands-on and help you get the best possible results in the least amount of time.


Executive Tools

Building 3 successful income streams: a stock portfolio designed for retirement security at any age, a virtual, online business and a real estate portfolio require you to actually EXECUTE YOUR PLAN.

That's why we don't JUST give you a step-by-step plan and the best education available, we also give you the tools to actually apply what you learn to your 360-financial freedom strategy.

Your Wealth Builder's Pyramid Quarterly Blueprint™ — the QEB for short — is, like the blueprint for a building, designed to keep you focused and on track each quarter so you can get sh*t done.


LIVE Coaching

While it's convenient to be able to watch a recorded lesson at your leisure, the reality is that having the flexibility to watch anytime anywhere makes it less likely you'll watch at all. Nothing beats being able to learn, connect, ask your questions and get motivated in REAL time.

When you're growing your own empire, it's easy to get stuck in your head and start overthinking, or worse, start doubting yourself. But with a multitude of live coaching every week, you won't get stuck.

For all memberships (for this and maybe another beta), help is just the next coaching call away!

Wealth Builder's Pyramid calendar


Monthly Intensives

We believe that to grow your Wealth Pyramid™ fast and efficiently, it's important to 10X our understanding, improve our systems and continue tacking toward our goal. That's what we do each month during our monthly intensives.

With us and other thought leaders in the investing, small business and real estate markets, we take a deep dive into critical areas of your investments and businesses and learn and connect in small groups with your fellow Wealth Builders.

It's powerful!


Tactical Support

Strategy is key when you're building multiple businesses and income streams. But it, also, helps to understand how to apply the right strategies to your own stock, small business and real estate investments, as well as which tactics to use when. With the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™, we help you with both big-picture strategy and micro tactics so that you know where you're going and how to get there.

Each week we offer a variety of LIVE tactical sessions to help grow the gap between your expenses and income and effectively fund and grow each side of your Wealth Pyramid™.



Research shows you have a 65% chance of completing a goal if you commit to someone, and 95% chance of success if you meet regularly with that person. Accountability isn't just a nice idea, it’s almost essential for achieving your goals.

That's why both the Masterclass and Private Mentoring membership offer accountability pairing. We'll put you in a group of two to three other members to hold each other accountable to your goals and be your immediate ride-or-die.



All members have access to our private Foundation and Wealth Builder's LinkedIn groups. The Foundation LinkedIn group focuses on the first module of the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ - paying off high-interest rate debt, raising your credit score, building emergency savings and generating quick cash. The Wealth Builder's LinkedIn group will focuses on the rest of the Wealth Builders Pyramid™, including stock marketing investing and investing strategies, building virtual, online businesses and real estate investing.

They're supportive places to ask questions, get feedback, celebrate your wins, commiserate on your challenges, get advice and connect with your fellow Wealth Builders outside of the live events.


Diversity & Inclusion

We doubt that you've gotten this far and don't know, but we want to be clear. We're a gay couple and proud members of the LGBTQ+ community. With that, all our content and programs are inclusive of LGBTQ+ and BIPOC people. Our tactics and strategies work for everyone, but we understand that our race, creed, background, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender and more have a massive effect on how we use and think about money. We and all of our offers, including this Wealth Builder's Pyramid™, acknowledge and respect that.

If you're looking for an inclusive and safe space, a place that seeks to understand your uniqueness to help you be as successful as possible, it's here.


The Wealth Builder's Pyramid™!

There's no other way to say this—the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ is a complete GAME CHANGER for our members in this new economy!

The 360-approach, clarity and focus it delivers to building multiple streams of income from different markets and industries is unparalleled in the personal finance world. It'll change how you look at your financial and personal lives and give you focus like you've never had.

Everything in this program centers around implementing this system into your financial life so that you have reduced systemic and asystemic risks, market volatility and emotions - the biggest detractor to achieving goals.



So much!

The Wealth Builder's Pyramid is packed with tools, resources and support to help you easily and quickly build your Wealth Pyramid™.

You get over 13 LIVE webinars and Q&As that cover wealth-building from soup to nuts. They come with supporting guides, video tutorials and print packs for:

  • Asses
  • Foundation
  • Vision
  • Stocks
  • Small Business
  • REI

You get several of our classic, premium spreadsheets, including The Spending Analysis©, The Financial Snapshot©, The Credit Card Pay Off Calculator© and The No Budget Budget©.

It includes some amazing NEW tools, such as Return on Happiness (ROH) Estimator© The Dream Retirement Worksheet© and The Cash Flow Calculator©.

Get quick and effective wins with The Time Horizon Tracker©, The Investor Assessment©, The Small Business Starter Kit© and The Small Business Legal Guide©. You also get The Real Estate Investing Breakdown, The REI Cost-Benefit Calculator, Property Manager Money Tracker© House Hacking Guide© and much more.

Maybe best of all, you get the Wealth Builder's Pyramid Quarterly Blueprint©, a quarterly and monthly planner, social life calendar and micro-budget to track all your wealth-building and personal goals and keep you moving forward on your pyramid-building.

And, of course, you get community and support on the LIVE webinars, weekly calls, and the Foundation and Wealth Builder's private LinkedIn groups.

Masterclass and Private Mentoring members get weekly group coaching, monthly intensives and accountability partner matching. Private Mentoring members get a monthly mastermind with other Private Mentoring members and private coaching.

From getting crystal clear on your path to prosperity to living the abundant life of your dreams, this insanely valuable multimedia library and hands-on support system is full of actionable resources and useful tools to create multiple streams of income to build your Wealth Pyramid. 


The Wealth Builder's Pyramid ™ will help you:

  • pay off any high-interest rate debt, get your credit score over 750 and build emergency savings
  • get clear on your retirement # - how much money/cash flow you need to retire
  • optimize your retirement investments to set you on the trajectory to become a millionaire
  • start a virtual, online business doing something you enjoy, are good at and may already be doing
  • start real estate investing beyond your current housing
  • create a cashflow system that throws off income to cover 150% of your living expenses


We encourage you to attend the live events when you can. Live attendance isn't required for success with the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™. Each live session will be recorded, and the recordings will be shared shortly after production.

If you know that your schedule will be tight, we encourage you to sign up for the Self-Paced Membership to get all the tools, resources and support without the added costs of the extra live events and personal mentoring sessions. You can sign up for the Masterclass or Private Mentoring memberships at any time when your schedule permits.


We know that having access to so much can be overwhelming. From the start, you'll get an onboarding kit to help and we'll start with a kickoff call on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, to help get you up and running. Plus, each module covered in the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ comes with its own step-by-step checklist. Between those and the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ Quarterly Blueprint, you'll stay organized and on top of your investments.

We'll walk you through the best sequence of exercises and actions, so you know that with each step you're in the right place at the right time.


You'll receive your enrollment confirmation within 30 minutes along with your onboarding checklist, an invitation to the kickoff meeting on October 4, 2023, with pre-work and a calendar of the live webinars and Q&As.

The guides, calculators, spreadsheet and exercises will be dripped to you through emails in tandem with the delivery of the live sessions.


Success with the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ requires that you take consistent, focused action, that you actually show up, and that you take the time to apply what you learn and maintain forward progress.

The bottom line is that you can’t expect the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™, us or anything else to work magic. You must do the work. Show up. Complete the assignments. Ask questions. Apply what you learn.

That being said, we're dedicated to your success—and that means doing whatever we can to support you along the way. If you still don’t find what you’re looking for, shoot us an email—we’re happy to help you find answers.


When you enroll in the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™, you may choose from one of three membership options.

Our Self-Paced Membership is a one-time fee of $500 with installment payments available through ShopPay, PayPal and other payment services available at checkout. This is the perfect option for those who are more fiscally conservative, like to go it alone but don't want to be completely without support or who currently have tighter schedules. Self-Paced members can sign up for a Masterclass or Private Mentoring membership at any time. Unlimited space available.

Our Masterclass Membership has a recurring, monthly fee of $500 with a $500 savings for 6-month subscriptions and $1,000 savings for 12-month subscriptions. This is the perfect membership for those who want all the community and support and who want to expedite their pyramid building through the weekly group sessions and monthly intensives. Just 15 memberships are available with a minimum commitment of 6 months.

Our Private Mentoring Membership has a recurring, monthly fee of $750 with a $750 savings for 6-month subscriptions and $1,500 savings for 12-month subscriptions. This is the perfect membership for those who want all the community and support and have us take a closer look at their personal situation and get questions answered in private. Just 5 memberships are available with a minimum commitment of 6 months.


The bonus modules, Manifest and Legacy, are designed to cover two critical but often overlooked steps in wealth building.

In Manifest, we'll take a look at your money story, and break up limiting beliefs such as "money doesn't grow on trees" and "the rich are evil" to raise your vibration about money as a tool, and your energy with how you attract money to yourself and use it for good.

In Legacy, we'll cover the topics we all know we should but don't. We'll work on long-term care insurance, establishing a will and trust, discuss advanced directives and more so that your money takes care of you until the end and goes where you want after you're gone.

These bonuses are only available to members who sign up by midnight, Thursday, September 28, 2023.


One of our intentions in helping you build your Wealth Pyramid, as it says in the tagline, is to help you create a life of freedom, options and happiness.

With these caps, we're practicing what we preach. We balance our work and life for our freedom, options and happiness to help be the best guides for you.


You can cancel your membership at any time by simply shooting us an email, and you'll retain access until your current payment period is complete.

There is no payment penalty for canceling, but we don't offer refunds or prorate any uncompleted time in the group. Also,
once you cancel your membership you will not be able to re-join the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ until the first membership enrollment after a 12-month waiting period. This policy is to prevent the disruption that occurs when people stop and start and to encourage members to stay committed to their goals - which takes time.


The Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ isn't for everyone. 

These prices only make sense for a small percentage of our audiences. So, if they're too much for you, please don't overextend yourself. That helps no one.

Instead, take advantage of the thousands of hours of free content available on debtfreeguys.com, queermoneypodcast.com and the Queer Money® podcast available on most podcast players and YouTube. Our book, 4: The Four Principles of a Debt Free Life, is also available on Amazon for $12.

Then, use the learnings from these free and cheaper resources to get into the Wealth Builder's Pyramid™ at a later date.


Ready to start building your pyramid?

Sign up before midnight, Thursday, September 28 and get 2 exclusive bonus modules: Manifest & Legacy complete with live webinars, Q&As and guides.
